Sunday, July 27, 2008


I've been doing a significant amount of driving while I have been in the US this month. I have done most of it alone, and some of it has been late at night. As I drove out to Hutchinson last week, my mind started wandering, pondering...

The life of faith is a lot like driving at night. You can't see very far in the distance to know what is coming ahead or what direction the road might turn. The only thing that illuminates the road in front of you (often) is your headlights. There is often a speed limit posted. Objects or animals can often appear unexpectedly in your field of vision causing you to need to react quickly. Driving at night also makes it a bit harder to find the right road to turn on meaning sometimes unexpected detours.

Similarly, in the life of faith, you can't see very far ahead. God certainly knows what turns your path may take, but it is almost always a mystery to us. God has given us His Word to be the lamp unto our feet and the light for our path. I also believe He gives His Spirit to aid in this as well. I feel too often we rush ahead--not only in our driving, but also in our spiritual lives as well. In some ways I picture that God has posted a 'speed limit' sign for our spiritual journeys asking us to follow His timing, to not rush ahead, and to not wish we were in a different spot than we are. As for the animals jumping out, I think we all experience many things that feel like
swerves and sudden surprises. Isn't it reassuring that God knew they were coming. Things that feel like detours in our lives are often designed for a purpose.

I know that in my life there have been many things that I would not have chosen, but I am so thankful for the road that God has brought me down and the reminders that He goes before me and with me.

1 comment:

J mom said...

Man you are so deep my friend. When I am driving at night I am too busy trying not to hit stray animals in the road! SO GLAD to have had you here and am missing my hugs already!