Thursday, August 21, 2008


I have been helping train a new elementary aide the past two days by helping out with lunch and recess. Our students have much room to play for recess, and they tend to resort to the same games. So, I'm wondering if you might have any ideas of games that can be played in small spaces that would appeal to 4th-6th graders. We have taught them four square and a variation of freeze tag. They jump rope and play Chinese jump rope. Any ideas would be welcome--either in an email or left here as a comment. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura, I saw some kids playing the pattern games that i played as a kid -- slapping legs, clapping, slapping hands in a pattern with a poem that goes with it. I wonder if these can be found online.
Also what about the string games -- cat's cradle, etc. These can be found online for sure -- I've looked. It is fun to think of the kids trying these. Mama