Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Finished

They finished the resurfacing/insulation of my apartment bloc. They relocated the scaffolding to the rear side of the building (closest my apartment) and began work there not much later. It's a little disconcerting to be walking around my apartment working on things with a group of people right outside my window installing insulation.
I wish there was a least a little logic to the color scheme/location. I do have
to say that it looks better than the bloc just up the street which has the same
colors with the addition of brown. Yikes!
Here's the up close picture to show the three colors...such a strange combination, but it seems to be the color scheme of choice for this winter. I've seen blocs all around town with similar colors. And as my sister graciously reminded me, at least it's color:)


Unknown said...

Our apartment bloc and several others around our area of town were painted a nice lime green when I was in Mongolia. Your colors look so much more suitable! Also, loved the Advent idea for your school. So glad it went well. Glad you were able to spend Thanksgiving with your family!!

DianeMsPhotoSpot said...

Hugs. Glad you have been having such meaningful time with family and friends. It's great to get to know them. :) Hugs. Dine