Wednesday, December 08, 2010


I love living in a house with a fireplace!  It's wonderful to curl up on the couch in the afternoons/evenings to enjoy a good book or get some school work done while enjoying the comfort of a fire. 

As I sat watching the fire the other night, it occurred to me that the logs are never coming back out of the fire. There isn't anything that can be done to take the ashes from the fire and somehow recreate the logs for the next fire.  They've undergone a change and because it was a chemical change, it can never be undone.

Hebrews 11:28-29
Therefore, since we are receving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverance and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire".

What an incredible thought!  God is a consuming fire.  If I think about it, we are to be changed when we're in the presence of God.  It is my dear hope that the time I spend in God's presence deeply affects me, at the core and very being of who I am.  I hope and pray that I am so changed that I am unable to return to the woman I once was.  I want to be radically different.  Perhaps it won't always be visible on the outside, but I want there to be a difference.  This change isn't something that I can somehow drum up or create on my own.  It comes only by being in the presence of a holy and loving God.

How is God changing you?

God, I pray that you would radically change my heart and mind, that I would allow you complete access to my life.  I pray that I would be changed in such a way that I would be unable to return to what once was.  Please draw me closer to you. 

1 comment:

Suzanne White said...

Wow - what a thought! Being so changed that I'm no longer recognizable as who I was is pretty hard to fathom. What an act of will to allow that to happen! Romans 12:1-2