Monday, March 15, 2010

The Power of Expectations

The more I think about it, the more I realize that our expectations have great power. They have the ability to determine how we feel after an event or whether we actually enjoy a holiday. Expectations can leave us feeling trapped. Often expectations are left unspoken. Whether they are expectations we have of ourselves or others, events or situations, expectations shape the way we look at the world around us. Many times our expectations are high. When confronted with the difference between reality and our expectations we often feel discouraged.

Just after shaving my head I experienced a freedom from expectations. I broke through. Shaving my head wasn't what anyone wasn't what I expected...and there was great freedom in that. I suddenly felt liberated to be myself completely and my eyes felt opened in new ways.

Just a couple weeks ago, I had a similar experience. This time it didn't involve shaving my head, but sitting still. I found myself able to hear my heart, to see clearly what for many years has felt cloudy. And once again I found myself free from trying to live by my expectations and the expectations of others.

I'm sure the battle isn't over. It's a constant fight to be aware of the expectations I have and those that I feel others have for me. But, I'm excited about the bit of light I feel and the grace to step forward into each day trusting God to lead me into His plan for my life.

1 comment:

Deborah Joy said...

Excited for you as God authors the next chapter in your story...