Friday, December 15, 2006

How do we adore Christ during Christmas?

The last email update I sent out, I asked for input on how we can adore Christ during Christmas instead of getting caught up in the busyness of the season. I was blessed by the responses and thought that I would share them with you:)
  • I love to listen to Christmas carols and often find myself singing along to them. This is probably my best way of really thinking about what this season is all about and worshipping our Lord and Savior.
  • This afternoon, when it was already dark and the stars were out on this beautiful, crisp, clear night here in MN, I looked at all of the neighbor's Christmas lights and decorations and thought how beautiful the sky is - God's lights! - and thanked Him for His gift of the Savior.
  • I heard someone suggest praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal a Christmas Carol to you that should be your “theme song” for that holiday season. Then, you could praise God each time you heard that song or reflect on the song as you were going about your daily activities (and even in the rush of the season too!).
  • In the early morning, before I start my quiet time, I turn the Christmas tree lights on and the soft light I have behind a nativity scene. These lights cast a soft, peaceful glow over the room, reflecting the beauty, peace, light, comfort, serenity of Jesus Christ. In this physical setting, I find it so easy and natural to adore Him. It's the most special part, for me, about having Christmas decorations up - it adds to the early morning time I have with the Lord.
May you be blessed as you adore Christ this Christmas season. It is all because of Him and all for His glory!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

No matter how long we are on this earth, the more we have to realize that life finds us living every day with the unanswered and the unresolved. Faith helps us to live with the unanswered. Hope helps us live with the unresolved. Trust helps us to accept...and go on with the work of living.
Rev. Mark Connolly

How are your hope, faith, and trust doing these days?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Thought for the Day

This verse came up today on the daily calendar I keep on my desk at school and it fit where I am at.

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure everything out on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track."
Proverbs 3:5-6 msg

I think the part about not trying to figure everything out on my own is what caught my attention. A verse I am quite familiar with stated in a new way that makes me think...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's All About Perspective

I had an interesting shift in perspective recently.

As I have been considering whether or not to extend my time in Romania, I had in mind the perspective of people in MN and the US that are impacted by my being here. I had a mental list of the people that were affected: friends, family, church, myself...

During a recent conversation, I had an interesting shift in perspective. For a number of different reasons, I have gotten some notes from students recently. Many of them have stated their appreciation for my being in Romania and teaching at BCA. I realized that at this point, my leaving Romania and BCA would affect a whole other group of people. That decision would bring me closer to friends and family in the US allowing me to participate in lives on that side of the world, and yet greatly affect the students and families that I have gotten to know here. Although I myself have been greatly affected by the departures of families, I hadn't ever thought through the implications of my own potential departure-that others would experience the same things that I have experienced on the departures of friends and colleagues.

It's all about your perspective...

Monday, November 20, 2006

I Will Lift My Eyes

Written by Bebo Norman and Jason Ingram

God, my God, I cry out
Your beloved needs You now
God, be near, calm my fear
And take my doubt

Your kindness is what pulls me up
Your love is all that draws me in

I will lift my eyes to the Maker
Of the mountains I can’t climb
I will lift my eyes to the Calmer
Of the oceans raging wild
I will lift my eyes to the Healer
Of the hurt I hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to You

God, my God, let Mercy sing
Her melody over me
God, right here all I bring
Is all of me

‘Cause You are and You were and You will be forever
The Lover I need to save me
‘Cause You fashioned the earth and You hold it together, God
So hold me now

I was sitting in front of my computer this evening listening
to the radio and ended up pondering what does it mean to lift
my eyes to God-to bring Him all of me. I have come to realization
that I am not perfect-imagine that. I am thankful that isn't a
surprise to God! He is the Lover I need to save me.

Friday, November 17, 2006


This week, part of my Bible study lesson talked about how we all tend toward busyness which often leads to being minimalists-doing everything with as little effort as possible since we know that there is more to come around the corner-if not already in front of us. After our discussion Tues night, I was beginning to question my choices.

One of the things I concluded was that it is okay for this season to not have an additional ministry outside of BCA. I think that God prepared me in amazing ways for each of the classes that I am teaching-and for each of the students that I interact with each day.

So, what is too much? I know that each of us have different capacities and abilities to handle different loads. Interesting to think about and seek God's plan. his best for us.

I would love to hear your thoughts...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Worship Night

How amazing!
It was wonderful to join this great group of guys and two wonderful vocalists for a time of worship earlier this week. How cool to see these kids stepping out in faith! Wish you could have been there!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Spirit Week

I had fun coming up with a new way to do my hair. After manuevering through doorways and trying to aviod students, I decided that I knew what a moose feels like. I don't think that I will choose to wear my hair like this again, but it was fun for the day:)

(with Jane Perkins-1/2 grade teacher)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Esti tot ce am
Esti domnul meu
Doar pentru tine eu traiesc
Esti domnul meu
Esti tatal meu
Tu nu poti fi inlocuit

You are all that I have
You are my God
For you alone do I live
You are my God
You are my Father
You can't be replaced
What an amazing thing to be able to affirm together with believers-that God is all that we have, that we live for him alone, and there is no one that can take his place! He alone is worthy.

Monday, October 09, 2006

God is adequate as our keeper.... Your faith will not fail while God sustains it; you are not strong enough to fall away while God is resolved to hold you.
J.I. Packer

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I just wanted to share that I now have curtains in my living room. They aren't perfect (some are slightly different lengths), but I smile each time I walk through my living room.

I started working on the ones for my bedroom-and even found a curtain rod that is long enough-now I just have to figure out a way to get the 3 meters home without injuring anyone. Once they are finished I will try to get pictures to show:)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Student Thesaurus

My kids are so smart:) Last week they worked together to come up with synonyms for "said". As a class they generated over 60 words that could be substituted for "said". Had I asked them beforehand how many they thought they could identify I am sure their estimate (and even my own) would have been much lower. What amazing minds God has gifted them with-and the ability to work together in our brainstorming-piggybacking off of other ideas. I'm excited to see how their ideas will show up in their writing this week and in following assignments:)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I love how music captures my mind-how it creates a vivid image for me. We sang this song at Bible study last night and I traveled home with this song running through my mind. He is worthy of all praise and honor that we give Him-and even what we don't.

Worthy is the Lamb

Darlene Zschech

Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace

Thank You for this love Lord
Thank You for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb, Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up, Jesus Son of God
The Darling of heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

Monday, October 02, 2006

I think it must be one of the greatest things to be able to crawl into bed at the end of the day--tired and yet thankful for the many things the day held.

River Trip

Many years ago it was a family tradition to take a trip along a river in MN. We stopped at apple orchards and cheese factories. Sometimes we could only manage a day together and other times I think we took the entire weekend to be together. We served many meals out of the back of the van, split half gallons of ice cream, and found the best apples, pumpkins, and cheese.

I was on the train yesterday and smiled as I watched as we headed into the mountains. The trees were already starting to change color. As I sat in the park, I could see to the mountainside in the distance-the beautiful mix of colors that comes around only once a year. It was a special reminder of MN falls and family memories.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I think I must have one of the best jobs:) I get to work with a great group of students that generally are eager to learn and explore. I had one of the best blessings today after school. Two of my seventh grade girls came up to my office to say goodbye and actually gave me hugs. I was encouraged and blessed by their action and courage:) (and I wanted you all to know...they made my day)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Way

Something I have been thinking about recently is how we generally like to find as many ways to do things as possible. I am not content to just accept one way set before me. I try to find a way that might be more efficient or less time-consuming. On my way to school, I consider whether there might be some other possible short cut that would make the trip faster. In fact, I found one just last week. There are certainly an infinite number of ways to get from my apartment to school. I haven't explored them all since some just don't make any sense at all.

Isn't that how we approach Christianity too? We try to find a faster, easier way than taking the Bible at face value-there is only one way. Why do we fight that so much? Why is it such a struggle to understand that there is only one way to heaven--"no one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6

So, since there is only one way, couldn't we put up detour signs directing others to The Way? Could we find ways to explain that some of the "ways" people are considering just don't make sense? There is only one way-are you taking it?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Rocks seem to have had great significance during the past years here in Romania.

I can think back to the chapel lesson during one of my first years here and how I illustrated God's immutability using a rock--it doesn't change even if you hit it against a wall or drop it.

There is a rock sitting on my desk that made the trip across the ocean with me as a reminder that God is my steadfast rock.

This year, each class is gathering a rock as a process of remembering and celebrating God's work among us each year at BCA. The rocks will be engraved with the years they represent.

Today at our staff meeting we spent the time making lists--looking back through the 10 years that BCA has existed and seeing how God has worked.
-new staff
-programs started--kindgergarten, food drive, basketball teams, etc
-classroom buildings provided
-babies born to staff
-housing provided
-special events
...and so many other things!
It was wonderful to flip through yearbooks and remember.

It gives a great sense of anticipation to think about what God is going to do this year!! May we be aware of His hand at work and be ready to join Him!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Need Him

At prayer this morning, I had an amazing thought. Perhaps it will seem somewhat normal or even obvious to some, but it was somewhat revolutionary for my day today.

We started our second day of school today--with much rejoicing at what God has done in the lives of students and staff in the past months. We gave thanks for the teachers he provided and the amazing ways that he has been working. So as we began to pray in a small group this morning, it hit me. We still needed him. He had blessed us beyond what we could have asked or imagined and yet the days ahead still hold problems that only he can resolve. I still need God to be at work in my life. There won't be a day when I will have received all of the blessings or promises that "I can hold" in my lifetime or that I will somehow have figured out how to make it on my own. I need Him!

I think it's amazing that God knows that, and yet, he leaves it to us to figure it out-to want and need him. He doesn't force himself into our lives, but waits patiently for us to see our need and seek him.

Jeremiah 29:13-You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Seek on!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Heat Wave

You know it's hot when...

-you sink a little into the sidewalk every time you take a step (and you aren't wearing high heels)
-the trains have to go slower so they don't have problems with the hot rails
-you choose to take a cold shower-just so you can sleep a little bit at night
-even if you are sitting in front of a fan, you are still sweating
-everyone around you has a definite "glow'
-not even going down in the subway feels cool
-people linger after church, enjoying fellowship--and the air conditioning
-running to catch a bus or a tram just isn't worth it

I am thankful the heat wave seems to have passed and the nights are getting cooler:)

Friday, August 18, 2006


Hosea 6:3
"Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.

As I read this verse, I wondered why the mention of winter rain and spring rain. Isn't all rain the same? After some thinking, I thought about rain in the winter. Often the ground (at least in Minnesota) is covered with a mixture of snow and ice that has turned gray. The rain melts some of that bringing a brightening to the landscape and a cleanliness.

Often in the spring, there is a need for rain. Farmers are concerned about getting enough rain and everyone wants to see trees budding and green grass appearing. There is an almost desperation for rain.

That is all well and good, but how does that relate to my life? There are certainly times in my life when things have turned dark and gray-the snow has become dirtied and I need that winter rain to come and melt away the layers of grime preparing the way for springtime growth. There are other times when I crave time alone with God-I can't find enough time to soak in his presence and his word. I need the spring rain to water my soul and bring growth.

So maybe my thoughts will only make sense to me...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

It always amazes me how the right song comes along at the right time. I was on my way home from a dear friend's wedding when I heard this song. It wasn't the first time, but that night it touched a place deep in my heart. God's love is truly amazing and there is nothing else like it! Amazing!


Lord I come to You,

Let my heart be changed, renewed,

Flowing from the grace, that I found in You.

Lord, I’ve come to know,

The weaknesses I see in me,

Will be stripped away

By the power of Your love

Hold me close, let Your love surround me,

Bring me near, draw me to Your side

And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle

And I will soar with You, Your spirit leads me on

In the power of Your love

Lord, unveil my eyes, let me see You face to face

The knowledge of Your love, as You live in me

Lord renew my mind,

As Your will unfolds in my life

In living every day, in the power of Your love.

Geoff Bullock, © 1992 Word Music, Inc./Maranatha! Music

Praise You in This Storm

I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
I'm with you
And as You mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will life my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
I'm with you�
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
--Casting Crowns

This song expresses so many of the feelings that have come these past weeks while I have been in Minnesota visiting friends and family. It is my prayer that no matter what circumstances I face, I will always praise God.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It is always interesting to me what surprises me when I step onto American soil. This trip has been no different--and I haven't even been here a week.

--hearing English--I still find myself turning my head instinctively at times to see if it happens to be a tourist or who might be speaking English-forgetting that the vast majority of people here speak English relatively fluently
--speaking English--"I need to find a wedding for my brother's dress."--as the table around me started laughing, I couldn't even figure out what I had said wrong-I did eventually figure it out, it just took some time
--road construction--since when has the entrance ramp to go North on 35 from 185th been on the right side of the road instead of the left
--expansion--where did that Rainbow Foods come from? I can't use the same landmarks anymore because they aren't the same. I have come to expect this in Romania where we still refer to a corner as the 'Budapesta' even though it hasn't been there since I arrived, but having it happen in Lakeville is a bit strange.
--time--it used to be that I would struggle through an hour drive, but after traveling for almost 12 hours, it seems like an hour just isn't long enough to get the car to the right temperature and find the right radio station
--heat--since when did the temperature in MN get up past 100? and why wasn't I notified that it would suddenly drop to 80 necessitating warm clothes
--trust--at least for me (in Romania), I wouldn't even consider leaving my laptop unsupervised while I ran to refill my drink (especially since you don't get refills in Romania), it seems to be pretty standard to trust people and to leave your things alone
--gas prices--$18 buys a monthly transportation pass for me so to pay $42 to fill up a car is a bit of a shock! Compared to prices in Europe, I know this isn't much, but I don't buy gas in Europe.
--driving--I sat at a red light the other day--waiting for the turn signal--a honk from the car behind me reminded me that it really is ok to turn right on red-most of the time.

Change--I guess after a year, I shouldn't be so surprised that things have changed, but I still find myself caught off-guard.


Isn't it amazing the draw that coffee and free internet have. It has been astounding to sit and watch the traffic in and out of this wonderful little 'haven'. Although the free internet is great, some of the bustle makes me long for the quiet back corner at Gloria Jean's at the City Mall in Bucharest.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I Can See...Blinded by Pride

This past week I successfully finished hanging the lights in the rest of my apartment. The ones in the bedrooms were particularly hard. My arms hurt, I had to buy more concrete drill bits, and try all sorts of little tricks to try and make things work. I was stubborn enough though to keep persisting even with the frustrations. Or was it pride...I find myself stubbornly resistant to asking for help.

Just before I returned to MN, I had some beds that I needed to move between the two bedrooms. I figured that I would have no problems moving them by myself. Besides, who was I going to call in the middle of the day that would be able to find time before I finished moving them myself? So, I moved the two beds. I didn't even scratch the doorframe too badly. That evening as I looked down at my arms, I saw huge bruises beginning to form. For the time they stayed on my arm, they were a reminder to me of how my pride and impatience can hurt me-in a real way. The bruises are now gone, but the reminder stays.

Even with such a visual reminder, I find myself fighting pride. There is a little part of me that wants to prove that I can do it on my own. There is the part that wonders what people think of me. I think I also question whether people are really willing to help. (I know, it's a bit neurotic since I enjoy helping other people and feel honored when they ask for my help.) Looking ahead at this year, I sense that God is calling me to set aside my pride-without his having to pry it from me. I am not thrilled about doing that at all, but am doing my best to trust that his ways are best.

Monday, July 24, 2006

By Ashley Renee Robertson, Russia

When life is so uncertain,
and I just can't understand,
when I can't see what's ahead of me
and I feel like giving in;
When I've tried my best
but that is not enough,
and I'm tired of ‘taking a stand,’
Lord, give me the strength to love your will,
and place everyday In Your Hands.

When everything seems hopeless,
and I can't face the world again,
when people disappoint me,
and the hurt never seems to end,
when every day's a struggle
You still have a perfect plan;
help me to know that You're in control -
everything's In Your Hands.

When I need someone to listen
but no one seems to care,
when I feel so alone
as I realize no one's there;
When I feel the pressure to try to fit in,
to find my value in man,
help me to learn that my worth is in You
as I look at the scars In Your Hands.

Even when the pain seems pointless,
I know You're working it out for good.
I want others to see this in my life.
Help me handle things like You would.
When it feels like I can't do anything right,
when people misunderstand,
when everything's confused around me,
I know I'll always be safe In Your Hands.

Answered Prayer

I was looking through old posts this morning and came across the one I had written with specific prayer requests about my new apartment back at the end of March. It is fun to be sitting in my new apartment and see that all of those things are included in this apartment. And although it isn't high, I don't look straight into the side of other cement buildings. Another benefit for being on a lower floor is that furniture didn't have to be carried up so far:) Isn't God amazing!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Walking in Love

When I was younger, I loved to be in bed and read. Many nights, I turned on the lamp above my bed to read after my bedtime. Sometimes I read until I heard my mother's footsteps on the stairs. I could always tell it was her coming up and I knew that she would generally come into our rooms to say good night. I wasn't supposed to be reading so I would turn off the light, stash my book, scramble under the covers and try to slow my breathing. My mother never mentioned that she knew what I was doing, but I always wondered if she suspected.

Before the school year ended I remember walking into a room and someone said that they knew it was me coming by the way I walked. I was thinking about that the other day as I walked home from the mall with a child who had wheels in her shoes. A Romanian we passed turned around to watch us as we passed by. His look was fun to see:)

It made me wonder if people turn to look as I walk out my life in front of them. Do the people I interact with at the grocery store (and other places) see that I am walking my life in a different way than most of the world? Do my steps fit with the way I am talking? Am I walking in love or am I just resounding gong?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Letting Go

I have never been very good at letting go. Instead, I like to hold on to things for as long as I can. Perhaps it is a sense of security that comes from the known instead of the unknown. I've been reading recently about letting go. I can't say that I am excited about it yet, but I want to change my perspective from arranging for life here to looking forward to life in heaven. This isn't it-there's more and I keep being told it's better than here. At our spring music program one of the choruses illustrated the grandeur of heaven: In six days you created everything, but you've been working on heaven for two thousand years. How amazing it must be!

Dear Jesus, help me to dream of heaven, to have great expectations of what you are preparing. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on the prize instead of life here. Thank you for your patience with me as I hold more tightly than I should to things here. Help me to let go and trust you.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Do you know how I know God loves me?

Today his reassurance came by way of a thunderstorm. Just this morning I was commenting to my roommmate about how much I missed thunderstorms. This evening while out with some ladies from my Bible study for some time away with God at a small church tucked away in Bucharest, God showered me (quite literally) with his love. Amazing!

Walking Blind

I have been walking the same path to school for the last two years. Yesterday I saw a door that I hadn't ever really paid any attention to. Today, I stopped to actually think about the people that I pass many mornings.

Usually I see:
-a dad and his son on their way to work and school
-a woman who walks slowly with a crutch
-a man who seems to always be dressed in a black suit
-a police officer
-an older man always wearing a suit
-a woman and her young son-generally she is carrying his backpack

It amazes me at how "for granted" I take the "sidewalk" and the people I encounter on my way to school. I don't stop to talk. I wonder if they would remember seeing me.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Quick Changes

Yesterday offered me the opportunity to truly appreciate the many who worked backstage at Northwestern College with me-especially those who did quickchanges:)

Last night was our elementary spring music program. I was responsible for making sure the first and second graders were on stage at the right time (and wearing the right things). There were ten of them that Whitney and I did our best to get dressed and ready on time. Occupying them during rehearsals involved running laps outside, doing jumping jacks, and learning how to make snakes and ducks with my hands. I couldn't make them today if I wanted to:)

Our changes involved getting Mary off stage only to take her "smock" and put it on Jesus with some embellishments-all within three lines. Another fun change was getting all ten off the stage only to get them signs with plagues and back on stage after the other grades sang through the chorus once. Needless to say the plagues weren't in order and they weren't holding the right ones, but they were on stage:)

It was fun, but I am glad that it is over-a weight lifted off my shoulders. A funny thing to mention too is that all of these quick changes were visible to about half of the audience:)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Yesterday at church, the projector wasn't working. This meant a complete lack of words for the majority of the songs we sang. I mentioned to the woman sitting beside me that it would be a great chance to sing in English. In fact, it became a great opportunity to see how God has placed Romanian on my heart-the words came more easily than I could have imagined. It was a blessing to be able to worship with my brothers and sisters here-in the same language!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Would you believe it if I told you that Bucharest has more dust than any other European capital. Would that explain why there is such a need to water the streets each morning? Or perhaps why right after you dust, there is a nice layer coating everything? As I am sure you can imagine there are other impacts of this excessive level of dust as well! Oh for clean air:)

Excerpt from article in Bucharest Daily News:
Bucharest has ten times more dust than other European capitals
There is ten times more dust in Bucharest than in any other European capital and the main cause is the disappearance of green areas in the capital in the last 16 years, according to the vice president of the Environment Experts Association, Florin Vasiliu yesterday."The amount of dust in Bucharest reaches 260-280 tons per square kilometer. This cannot be found in any European capital, where the average amount is less than 20 tons per square kilometer," Vasiliu said.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Recently I have started reading a new book, Revolution Within. It has been a wonderful challenge to the way that I have viewed my life and relationship with Jesus Christ. Something that stood out to me recently was the idea of the difference between “giving our lives to Christ” and accepting what Christ has done for us. The difference is the emphasis on who is doing the “work”. Faith isn’t about what we do, but what we receive.

How often I get that turned around-am so focused on what "I" can do that I lose sight of what Jesus did for me-and it was enough. I don't need to add anything to it.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Recently a friend reminded me of the importance of praying specifically. So, in thinking about my apartment for this coming year (and perhaps beyond), these are the things that came to mind-things that an ideal apartment would have:
-hot water (even early in the morning)
-heat in the winter
-be within 30 min of school (walking or public) and in a good neighborhood
-near public transportation and a grocery store/market

-kind and gracious landlord who would be willing to move things out of the apartment as I purchase things to make it feel more like my home
-within my budget for rent
wishful thinking category:
-be higher up so I can see out around the city

Thank you for praying specifically for my apartment for me:) I look forward to sharing with you how God provides!

Monday, March 20, 2006


Isn't it amazing what you can do these days! I love my family and it was wonderful to talk online tonight in a conference call. It was great to hear their vocies and laughter-to catch ourselves interrupting one another and to not feel like we had to tell the same story three times. What fun!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Sometimes you just have to wonder about where companies come up with their names? For example take these great companies recently seen in Bucharest...

-Quite Pretty Taxi-and yet all of the cars I have seen are still yellow (not the prettiest color in the world) and don't seem to be in the greatest shape
-Taxi Occident-I think that along with the rest of the American population in Bucharest, this reads Accident (especially with the flowing script lettering)-why would anyone want to select a taxi company apparently more prone to accidents than others
-Taxi 2000-perhaps this seemed appropriate during the new year, but it feels a bit outdated-perhaps Taxi 2006-just doesn't have the same flow.

There are certainly others-new companies spring up weekly. What variety!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm a Genius:)

Okay, so I am not really a genius, but this morning I feel like it. I have solved two mysteries.

The first: Every morning when I arrive to school as the first person to my building I had to turn off the alarm. Most mornings despite my dash to the keypad through two sets of doors the alarm blares across the neighborhood. Repeated calls to the alarm service asking for them to set the timer longer seem to yield no gain in time. After succeeding in entering the building a number of times without setting off the alarm, I realized that it is all in the second set of doors. If the second set is left open, I can get to the alarm bad in time. If not, the alarm sounds. How exciting to have found such a simple solution when the logical things didn't seem to work:)

The second: I figured out the reason for our bathroom floor filling with water. Apparently, the drain system couldn't handle normal flow so I figured out a way to limit that. Go figure:) So, that problem is resolved too!

Monday, March 06, 2006


I was surprised at how I reacted this morning when I heard that Kirby Puckett recently died of a stroke. As a young child I remember going to Twins games with my dad and cheering on Kirby-even though it was from a great distance. Even as I try this morning, I can't seem to come up with any other names of players from the Twins from that same great era. Kirby was somehow a "hero"-and yet he was a man, destined to die along with the rest of us. There is certainly sorrow at seeing the past fade away in so many different ways-whether legendary sprots figures dying or children that I babysat heading to college and then graduating.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


What an amazing image! Today, I was told that a debt I had hanging over my head was not really a debt at all. What an amazing feeling to learn that instead of owing money, I was to receive money. It was freeing and it brought up in me an even greater generosity toward others.

As I thought about it longer, I realized that this was exactly the picture of what Christ did for me in terms of the punishment I deserved for my sin. Instead, He took my debt and gave me His righteousness. Shouldn't the same freedom and generosity to share what God has done for me permeate my life? All our lives?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


It only took two and a half years, but I have finally found a brand of 'milk in a box' that I can handle. I even managed to have a glass of milk with a meal instead of the usuall glass of water. So maybe I won't need those calcium chews so much after all:)

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Isaiah 58:11
The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

This verse jumped off the page as I was reading last night. It was a reminder to me that God knows my needs and he will satisfy them. He will be my strength.

In my fifth grade science class we are studying landforms. We recently learned about perennial and intermittent streams. Intermittent streams only have water flowing in them during parts of the year whereas perennial streams have water flowing in them all year long. How neat to think that in Christ, I can be a perennial stream:)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Winter in Bucharest

Snow finally fell today, covering the city with a light blanket. There is always such a wonder that comes with seeing snow: the way it slowly drifts to the ground and brightens the surroundings. I can't seem to get enough of walking in the snow:)

(The building pictured is the building I teach in at BCA.)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I finally got it!

It took me three times I think to understand what the cashier was saying. I had won! I had to go to the "reception" and claim my prize. For a brief moment, I thought perhaps this might be something worth claiming:) It turns out, I won a 15,000 lei coupon on cleaning products. What appears to have a high value is really only worth 50 cents. Lucky me! Now I have to figure out how to use the coupon.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Chaperones:
Bill and Jane Perkins, Laura, Deborah Sedjo

All the ladies at the Valentine's Banquet

High School

Last night brought back some interesting memories. This time, I am sitting on the other side of the desk and attended the High School Valentine's Banquet as a chaperone. It was a lot of fun to watch these students that I have grown to love and appreciate interact in new ways! Another teacher and myself were asked to help with some "activities". The only idea we used last night was to have each table write a poem about something relating to Valentine's Day. Below is one of the poems written by a group of high school students.

Candles, Candies, and Converstaion Ques
In a room with 7 girls,
There was chaos, pearls, and curls.

While guys took showers,
and went to buy flowers,

Perfecting makeup to look just right,
ready to have a wonderful night.

Got cologne in his eye and started to cry,
hoped that the teacrs won't stain his new tie.

Tripped with the curling still in her hair
Christina looks good in that dress, it's not fair.

Stepped in a puddle, got mud on his shoe,
all distracted because he was thinking of you.

Guys arrived and started to wait,
overly anxious over a BCA date.

The girls walked in all pretty and stuff,
The guys tried to look big, hot, and buff.

Blinded eyes and really fake smile,
taking perfect photos took such a long while.

Walking in, this place looked so nice,
We all wonder how Andre got such a great price.

Candles, candies, and conversation ques,
all made better by being with you.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Game Night at BCA:
It was wonderful to interact with these special students in a relaxed setting and to get a chance to play games! A group of guys jumped at the chance to conquer the world in risk. Others chose a more relaxed game of phase ten and other card games.

We ended the night by playing taboo as a group. In the words of our director: "Taboo with TCKs is like no other…hints for ”volcano” included Italy (because they’ve been to Mt. Vesuvius), when someone said “big,” the immediate guess was “Ben” (one of London’s famous features) , and they passed on words like “hearse,” “garter belt,” and “pastrami” –not knowing what they were."

Conquering the world...

Monday, January 23, 2006


While I was listening to KTIS in a car, I heard this song (below). I was blessed to remember that God knows my past, what I am facing, and what the future holds. That allowed me to surrender to the plans that He has for my life. Even if no one else understands or knows what is going on inside my head, God knows and He is holding me in His hands and dancing over me.

No One Else Knows - Building 429
My world is closing in
On the inside but I'm not showing it
And all I am is crying out
I hold it in and fake the smiles
'Til I'm broken, I'm broken
Only One could understand
And only One can hold the hand
Of the broken, of the broken

When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proof and real
When no one else cares where I've been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And You hold me in Your arms again

I need no explanation
Of "Why me?"
I just need confirmation
When only You could understand
The emptiness inside my head

I am falling, I'm falling
I'm falling down upon my knees
To find the One who gives me peace
I am flying, Lord I'm flying

When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proof and real
When no one else cares where I've been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And You hold me in Your arms again

And I come to You in search of faith
'Cause I can't see beyond this place
Oh You are God and I am man
So I leave it in Your hands