Thursday, March 17, 2011

Invisible made Visible

It's been awhile since some things were visible. Driving down Brookridge Avenue yesterday, I saw for the first time in months the white chain link fence in front of a neighbor's house that adds to its charm.  Christmas decorations, once just barely protruding above the piles of snow are now fully visible (and a little out of place for St. Patrick's Day). My house number is once again visible from the road (instead of being hidden behind snow shoveled from the roof into piles higher than my head). The babbling brook down the hill from my house is flowing quickly downhill, making up for lost time frozen in place. Grass is peeking up from beneath the blanket of white. Birds are reappearing from the winter hideaways. You can actually see what people are wearing becuase the heavy winter coats of the past few months are being left at home. The signs of spring are everywhere and it brings with it hope of a new season.

The life of faith is often one of trusting in the invisible. Most of us haven't seen God and it sometimes seems when looking at the hurt and pain in the world around us that God isn't in control or even aware of what's happening in our lives. In the next moment, the invisible is made visible. Suddenly, there's a ray of sunshine, a word of hope, a confirmation of God's love and acceptance. It's still a walk of faith, but I'm thankful that God doesn't leave us on the journey alone; he's a constant companion, pointing out the beauty in the midst of suffering, the glory in the midst of pain. It's not an easy journey, but from my perspective, it's so worth it!

Picture taken March 17 driving through my neighborhood :)

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