Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm a Genius:)

Okay, so I am not really a genius, but this morning I feel like it. I have solved two mysteries.

The first: Every morning when I arrive to school as the first person to my building I had to turn off the alarm. Most mornings despite my dash to the keypad through two sets of doors the alarm blares across the neighborhood. Repeated calls to the alarm service asking for them to set the timer longer seem to yield no gain in time. After succeeding in entering the building a number of times without setting off the alarm, I realized that it is all in the second set of doors. If the second set is left open, I can get to the alarm bad in time. If not, the alarm sounds. How exciting to have found such a simple solution when the logical things didn't seem to work:)

The second: I figured out the reason for our bathroom floor filling with water. Apparently, the drain system couldn't handle normal flow so I figured out a way to limit that. Go figure:) So, that problem is resolved too!

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