Saturday, May 06, 2006

Quick Changes

Yesterday offered me the opportunity to truly appreciate the many who worked backstage at Northwestern College with me-especially those who did quickchanges:)

Last night was our elementary spring music program. I was responsible for making sure the first and second graders were on stage at the right time (and wearing the right things). There were ten of them that Whitney and I did our best to get dressed and ready on time. Occupying them during rehearsals involved running laps outside, doing jumping jacks, and learning how to make snakes and ducks with my hands. I couldn't make them today if I wanted to:)

Our changes involved getting Mary off stage only to take her "smock" and put it on Jesus with some embellishments-all within three lines. Another fun change was getting all ten off the stage only to get them signs with plagues and back on stage after the other grades sang through the chorus once. Needless to say the plagues weren't in order and they weren't holding the right ones, but they were on stage:)

It was fun, but I am glad that it is over-a weight lifted off my shoulders. A funny thing to mention too is that all of these quick changes were visible to about half of the audience:)

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