Saturday, January 09, 2010

Great Expectations

I've started a list of some things I'm looking forward to about my time in the US. I thought I'd share some of them with you...they might be different than what you expected :)

-at the top of my list--people--being able to visit leisurely and more than once a year, celebrating holidays and birthdays together, meeting my niece
-simplicity of grocery shopping with a car
-milk that I enjoy drinking
-the cereal aisle
-being back in school
-being in a closer time zone

I started thinking too of the things I'll miss from Romania...

-again at the top of the list is people--students, colleagues (at school and within ReachGlobal), small group, friends
-church--I've grown very fond of the church I've attended these past two years. I'll miss worshiping in Romanian and the joy of a service that is 2+ hours long
-walking everywhere or being able to take public transportation
-my apartment
-simplicity of life
-a schedule--my life next year will be much less structured than it is right now
-BCA and teaching (although I expect there will be many opportunities for teaching in MN, but it won't be the same)

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