Monday, June 09, 2008

Carpet Stains

I have a large area rug in my living room. It started out a cream color and I recently noticed that it was becoming spotted with other colors. I decided to buy some carpet cleaner and tackle cleaning it. Yesterday I spent a chunk of time on my hands and knees scrubbing away--and yes, my sore hands and rug-burned knuckles can prove it. My carpet looks great! As I scrubbed away, I was amazed at how dirty it really was. I suppose two years of accumulated Bucharest dust is enough to make anything dirty.

My carpet is a little bit like my life. What starts out bright and clean is easily dirtied by thoughts and ideas that the world throws my way. If I am not careful, it can easily feel normal to allow those to seep into and lodge in my mind and heart. It takes intentionality to stay clean, and often turning back to my creator and asking him to wash me clean once again.

How exciting that one day we will be able to stand spotless before the Lamb of God!

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