Saturday, June 14, 2008

Reality Check

I really am looking forward to spending some time in the US this summer, but I realize that there are a few things that haven't quite been accepted into my reality:
-my sister is a mom! I know Abigail is here, but it will still be a shock to see my sister as a mother for the first time.
-my grandpa is in a recovering from an accident--I've heard the detailed reports and updates on his condition, but until I see him in his 'rehab' I don't think that will sink in
-my cousin graduated--for some reason when I am on the other side of the ocean, I feel like things are supposed to freeze in MN. I'm excited for her, but it will be another reality check!

Time flies no matter what side of the ocean you live on!

1 comment:

J mom said...

Reality check - you arrive and we leave for NE. Let's get our heads together to get some quality time on the calendar!