Saturday, October 18, 2008

Broken Pots

During my devotions this week, I was directed to this verse:

Psalm 31:12b-I have become like broken pottery.

The question suggested taking time to imagine God putting my life back together.

I was struck by a number of thoughts as I considered this idea.

Certainly all of us have felt at times like our lives have fallen apart. Sometimes we can feel God graciously putting the pieces back together and at other times it seems He gently allows us to stay in that state of brokenness for longer than is comfortable.

I wondered if when God puts our lives back together if the pieces go back into the same places. Or, does he take the pieces and create something completely different with them. Perhaps the way we have been designing our lives doesn’t fit with his original intention. So, he takes the broken pieces and creates something new.

I also wondered whether the ‘fixed pot’ would look like it had at one time been broken or if it would look like it was brand new. Would Jesus in his love, leave the seams and unevenness as a reminder of our brokenness or would he join the pieces together in his perfect way. Would all the pieces be re-used, or would some pieces be left out? Would there be things he would purposefully remove from our lives? Would there be holes where pieces were missing, or would the pot be ‘holeless’?

What would Jesus use to mend broken pots? Would he pick Elmer’s glue because it dries clear? Would he opt for super glue because it dries quickly? Would he choose colored ‘grout’ to create a design with the pieces?

I often choose to wear rubber gloves when working with sticky messes. So, that caused me to wonder, would Jesus wear gloves, or would he risk getting his hands dirty in the process of mending our lives.

So, I know our pots aren’t literal, but it was sure neat for me to consider these things…to wonder about what kind of pot God is making me to be…


J mom said...

I imagine HE has had to get his hands dirty a time or two given some of the messes we make. I love how you think these things up and cause me to then think them through for myself. I have to admit my pot feels more than chipped these days as I seek to find that reason why I am on this certain path. It has come to my knowledge recently that it may not be for me to understand, ever, but that I must rejoice in this time and praise Him for His promises that are new each morning!

Anonymous said...

Laura, You are very gifted in writing! What great thoughts you shared.
As you can see, thanks to your help, I am reading your blog entries :).