Thursday, August 20, 2009

Among the Hidden

It's now been a few weeks since my return to Bucharest. As I use public transportation to get to/from school, grocery store, church, IKEA, etc, I'm faced with situations that I don't normally confront in the US. Nearly every day I'm asked for money by multiple people on the streets. This creates a certain level of discomfort as I try to decide what to do. I realized recently that the poor, homeless, and lost are those hidden in the US. I don't think I was asked once for money in the 5 weeks I spent in MN. I didn't see anyone sniffing a bag of glue or sleeping on the street. It isn't comfortable to be faced with the dilemma about whether to give money, but I find I'm thankful for those opportunities. It keeps me face to face with the realities of this fallen world, thinking hard about how I can give, and thankful for the way God meets my needs. It's a challenge for me as well to think about how I can continue to do the same when I'm in the US.

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