Thursday, August 20, 2009

Growing Pains

I love learning. In fact, it's one of my top 5 strengths. I value the desire to learn in so many areas of my life. I can tell I'm growing, but it isn't always comfortable.

I spent the first part of August learning in Poland during our Europe Area Conference. Our first day was dedicated to a time of prayer. What a neat way to spend a day together--corporately seeking God in our lives and bringing encouragement, healing, and support to those we serve beside.

We spent time in whole group worship and teaching and had some small group teaching times as well. Our team (ReachGlobal missionaries serving in Bucharest) was able to spend part of an afternoon learning each other's strengths and how we can best capitalize on those strengths as a team.

For me, this conference was also a time of reconnecting with missionaries serving around Europe that I rarely see. I'm blessed by the people I serve beside in Europe! They challenged my thinking, helped me see my heart more clearly, and offered support in so many ways. Another highlight was spending time with some great kids at the water park one afternoon.

I returned to Bucharest exhausted and expectant. I can't wait to see what God does in my heart and through my life this year. I'm looking forward to seeing how He leads as I look ahead to the 2010-2011 school year. It's exciting to have renewed friendships and to look forward to staying connected in spite of the distance.

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