Thursday, December 10, 2009


It's done...My testing appointment was for 9:30 this morning. I was told to arrive no later than 30 min before testing was scheduled to begin. I decided to leave my apartment at 7:45 to give myself plenty of time. Since I don't use public transportation during the day, I wasn't sure how long it would take. I was pleasantly surprised with the time it took to get to my stop. I walked for a bit and found the testing site well marked. I wandered into the testing center just before 9:00.

I greeted the woman who graciously explained (in Romanian) that they had been having technical difficulties for the past 2 days and she wasn't sure if I'd be able to take the test today. She didn't expect to know anything before 10:00. I could wait in the hall. I pulled out my vocabulary flashcards and waited...and waited...and waited. Three other examinees arrived. She kept telling us she hoped it would only be a few minutes longer. Two examinees decided to leave and come back for the 1:30 testing time.

Just before 11:00, she called me in to register and assigned me a computer--only an hour and a half behind schedule. I was thankful the exam was computer based so when I finished sections early, I didn't have to wait on anyone else to finish. After 2.5 hours, I finished. The woman 'proctoring' the center was a little shocked that I had completely finished the test. Apparently, most people use 4 hours. I was thankful to be walking out the door when I did...hungry and ready to stop thinking! I'm thankful to have this step done in the process of applying for grad school.


Tom Becker said...
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Tom Becker said...

Typo...I meant, "Congratulations! I am glad that it went smoothly for you."

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! When do you get the results back? Love ya. Dine