Friday, April 02, 2010

Beautiful Bloggers

I have been nominated a "Beautiful Blogger" by my dear friend Mandy. I get to tell you seven interesting facts about me and then nominate seven more beautiful bloggers. I'll do my best on the seven interesting facts, but find the many of my blogging friends have fallen off the bandwagon.

1. I recently rediscovered my love for teaching--and discovered how it's been a theme throughout my entire life....Sunday school, nursery, Bible Instruction Class (BIC), swim lessons, and now in a classroom.

2. I've recently been inspired to learn how to drive a manual car. I know the basics from driving motorcycles, but think it'd be a great skill to have while living in Europe. On a side note...sitting in the front seat of a car feels really strange!

3. I love that Spring has arrived in Bucharest and that it's almost appropriate to wear sandals again. My feet love feeling free.

4. There is great satisfaction in mowing a lawn, shoveling snow, or spring cleaning. I miss the joy of the first two but I'm sure that after a year of living in the US I'll have had lots of opportunities.

5. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers right now--their frailty and yet beauty, their ability to survive in the strangest places.

6. In one day this past week, I was in four different countries (Germany, France, Switzerland, Romania)using three different currencies (Euro, Franc, Ron) and three different modes of transportation (walking, driving, flying).

7. I still hope one day to make it to every continent (I'm missing Australia and Antarctica).

1 comment:

J mom said...

Wow - only two continents left? I am a bit behind on that one : ) can't wait until you are back on my continent - missing my hugs!