Thursday, August 21, 2008

Plugged In

Heading off to school yesterday I came across a trollibus (bus that runs on power wires strung above the streets) stuck in the middle of the intersection. One of the connecting cables had come loose as the bus was trying to maneuver around the road construction in the middle of the intersection. It wasn't able to go anywhere until the second cable was reattached.

It brought to mind verses that talk about God being the vine and we are the branches. For me this image of God being the power source and we are the 'trollibuses' fits. We can't do anything unless we are connected to the power source. If we start to go in the wrong direction, chances are we are risking disconnection. We have to choose to 'plug in' and stay connected. God's power is limitless and so much greater than our own.

I'm so thankful that I get to rely on God's strength because mine is of little consequence. Even in the last 48 hours, I know that I would have come to a standstill unless I had been 'plugged in'. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I certainly don't want to try and do it on my own.

1 comment:

J mom said...

Thank goodness for HIS strength is right - couldn't get to tomorrow without it!