Monday, August 04, 2008

Welcome Home

Although my flights were smooth and traffic wasn't bad (I arrived on Sun afternoon), I had some not so pleasant welcome home gifts once I got into my apartment. It seems I left one window open and since me lights were on a timer they attracted lots of little bugs--all over the floor. Not to mention the cockroaches (only two and at least they were dead). I opened my suitcases up after vacuuming my apartment... My bottle of corn syrup had leaked. Yes, it was sealed and wrapped in a plastic bag, but apparently they are made to withstand the pressure of piles of luggage... It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it took some time to wash clothes and wipe of bottles. Only a poster that I had brought back for my classroom couldn't be salvaged. All in all, not a bad start to my return.

1 comment:

J mom said...

Oh yuck what a shame! Blasted air travel : )