Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Please Forgive Me

I've been thinking about forgiveness recently...wondering why it's so hard to ask others to forgive us.

It seems that when we recognize that we've done something wrong, it's hard enough to admit it. Telling someone we're sorry is even harder, but then to say the words, 'will you forgive me?' seems to be like pulling teeth. Growing up, I was taught that the words "i'm sorry" go in tandem with "will you forgive me".

I recently struggled with words I had spoken to one of my students. It was humbling to approach her. Before I could even finish sharing my sorrow for my words, she replied, "it's ok". It really wasn't. The easy thing would have been to let it go, but I did want her to know that I didn't think it was ok and that I wanted her forgiveness.

What is it that keeps us from asking, or that prompts us to tell others that it's ok without giving/receiving forgiveness?

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