Friday, July 31, 2009

Updated Status

I arrived home at 11:30 and then couldn't fall asleep right away...

On facebook, you have the opportunity to update your status, sharing with your friends what's happening in your life. So, here's a little of what's going on in my life.

Laura ...

-is wide awake at midnight...and not thrilled.
-liked having 3 seats to myself on my flight from Paris to Bucharest...and the fact I got to see the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triumf from the window.
-doesn't know if she has the strength.
-thinks evaluating life shouldn't be done late at night.
-likes my parents.
-thinks airplane flights shouldn't feel like roller coaster rides.
-needs to deal with the leaky toilet.
-is thankful for friends on both sides of the ocean.
-enjoyed the drive home from the airport...back to speaking a foreign language I understand.
-isn't quite ready to unpack.
-is glad to be in my own bed.
-is glad to remember that in ALL things God is in control!
-started to crawl into bed before remembering I'd washed my sheets before leaving but hadn't had time to remake the bed the morning I left.
-is trying to decide what to do shopping, cleaning, unpacking, school stuff...

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