Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Birthday Blessings

I had a very special birthday! I'm so thankful for the family and friends God has blessed me with who encourage me and stand with me in the joys and the pain.

My day started early--Monday morning:)--and with flowers from a friend that graced my office until I left town later in the week. Before the kids arrived, the elementary staff came to sing to me and we enjoyed coffee cake. As I came downstairs from teaching geometry, gathered my things, and prepared to head to my office, I was greeted by all the elementary students outside my building singing "Happy Birthday" in two languages and three different versions. What fun! They'd created a book for me as well, with each student preparing a page with a message and/or picture. I've been through it a couple times and truly treasure their words. The afternoon went quickly with preparations for the advent celebration. That evening I met a friend for dinner out at a Mexican restaurant near my apartment. I felt loved and cherished.

Not only was my birthday a joy, but the days leading up to it and following it were very special as well. My mailbox (both real and email) were flooded with cards, notes, and gifts. It was a very special reminder of all the people God has placed in my life!

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