Friday, November 20, 2009

Ways to Help BCA

Just in case you haven't yet seen these... Here are some neat ways to help BCA.

1. Make money for BCA while you shop online at no additional cost to you. When you shop at one of over 700 participating stores (Gap, Old Navy, ITunes, Amazon, etc.), a percentage of your purchase comes to us! It’s anywhere from 3% - 26% of what you spend. Free money for BCA!

2. Make money for BCA while you do internet searches. It's not quite up to Google standards, but for free money, I spend a little time using it.

3. Turn cars, boats, jewelry, land, timeshares, overstocked inventory, and much more into donations for BCA.

More information on the BCA website:)

1 comment:

DianeMsPhotoSpot said...

Laura, I did a "power-update" today, reading many of your recent posts. I really loved the one your friend wrote about footprints on the souls of your students. That is so true. Love ya. Hugs. Yes, it is interesting being in a country and starting to feel like it is home. I'm not as far into that process as you, yet. Praying your year in the US will be peaceful and clarifying. Love you bunches. Dine