Friday, November 20, 2009

I stopped by Mr. Bricolage after school yesterday hoping to pick up a few items for school projects and some things for my apartment. I found the first thing on my list and then went to ask for help to find two other things (of which I'd gotten the Romanian translation figuring that would make things easier). I went up to one of the salespeople and asked if he could tell me where the razor blades were (lame in Romanian). He proceeded to ask which type of razor blade I wanted to which I had no reply. What did I want to do with this item? Scrape things off of glass. I drew a picture and then proceeded to demonstrate with the small piece of paper I had my list on. He got this look like he knew what I wanted and proceeded to show me putty knives. Not what I was hoping for and they didn't look anything like my drawing. So, since I couldn't come up with any other words to explain what I wanted, I decided to ask for the next thing on my list...sand paper (hârtie de şmirghelui). He didn't understand it the first or second time I said it (not surprising) so he finally tried to decipher my writing. He led me over to the small selection of sandpaper and asked what I wanted it for. For a school project I explained so the color is important. At this point I was hoping he would just leave me to look at the options, compare prices, and make a selection, but he kept picking up items for my consideration--all the wrong color. I finally took one of the things he offered, thanked him, and started walking off. When I saw he had left the aisle, I returned to the sand paper and took my time picking out what I think was the best option considering my needs. I had also noticed the razor blades on the way to the sand paper so backtracked a bit to pick those up. Having completed my shopping list, I headed toward the check out, being only slightly distracted by the Christmas display on the way there.

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