Saturday, June 05, 2010

Goodbyes Stink

Yep, I've determined, as of today, that goodbyes just aren't any fun. And looming ahead of me...two weeks of goodbyes. It just isn't something I look forward to and yet it's a part of every year in our community. It just happens that this time around, I'm the one leaving instead of the one staying. I can't say it's any easier.

The tears started flowing last week...and in reality even before that.

At the beginning of the month, I gathered with my ReachGlobal Romania colleagues in Bran (near Dracula's castle) for a weekend retreat. On the last morning of our time together, we spend a chunk of time sharing prayer requests and praying for each other. It hit me. I wouldn't see some of these people for another year or perhaps longer. And the tears flowed. It hurt to think that these dear people who are so very much part of my life will be so far away next year.

Two weeks later, we gathered in the courtyard of Str. Vasile Voiculescu Nr. 22 for our annual staff appreciation event. The school board members did an amazing job of disguising the ugly concrete and turning the space into an oasis where we as a staff enjoyed conversation and great food. Our director and I were recognized and prayed for and given beautiful gifts (a mosaic platter with signatures of students and teachers on the reverse). As I read the notes from students and saw the many names, I was moved to tears. It's easy for me to forget sometimes the impact I have on the lives that walk through my classroom door or into my office.

Last week was our final elementary chapel. We typically honor those students and staff members who will be leaving. Since I taught chapel, I thought I might be able to sneak by unnoticed. A colleague jumped up just as I was closing and called on students to pray for me. As I listened to their prayers of faith, I was struck that all three prayed that I would remember God's love for me. My thoughts drifted back to my previous post about God's stockpiles of love and again was confronted with how easily I forget, and even doubt, God's love for me. I'm so thankful for the hearts and lives of children to remind me.

Last night, following our last day of school, was the final official BCA event of the year, graduation. The BCA class of 2010 had 8 graduates: Ege, Jon, Jessica, Sarah, Brandon, Lexi, Erica, and Megan. Some of these I've known for the entire seven years and had the privilege of teaching several years as well. They are a tremendous group with loads of talent and bright futures. What got me last night wasn't the co-valedictorian addresses or even the keynote address, it was the worship time. As we sang "The Power of Your Love" I was once again confronted with God's love and the desire I have for him to draw me nearer, to surround me, to hold me close, and to have him change my heart. As I stood in line to congratulate the graduates, I realized that I desire to know how God uses them, where the future will lead. And yet, in this set of goodbyes, there's the reality that I may never know all that God does.

Today, part of our community gathered to once again celebrate and recognize some of the graduates. It was a special time of enjoying the sunshine and the beginning of summer. And then the goodbyes...I had some lovely conversations with colleagues, friends, and departing families. On my way out the door I saw one of my students and grabbed her for one final hug. We stood on the sidewalk for some time talking, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, tears falling on my arms holding her tight. I tried to share promises with her, reminding her that God knew the pain of goodbyes (and I did too), that he would bring just the right teacher for her for next year, that we will see each other again. It hurt to walk her toward her mother...knowing there wasn't anything I could do to stop the hurt or to make it any easier, but also knowing her mother would hold her when I walked away. It was inevitable...I turned and the tears started flowing as I walked the opposite direction alone. As I wept, I felt God gently remind me that his arms were wrapped tightly around me and that he was catching my tears. They weren't unseen. I'm not unseen.

The goodbyes aren't over yet. I know there will be many more tears shed. This isn't's not goodbye forever...Eternity is coming!

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