Monday, April 21, 2008


We had our annual spring concert and talent show last Friday. As I listened to the "auditions" (we usually allow everyone to participate), I was amazed at the many ways God has gifted the students at BCA. Not only that though, but at how courageous so many of the elementary students were to step up and participate.

What really blessed me was hearing the stories of these students. One young boy wasn't going to participate. His sister asked me (in his presence) whether there was still time to audition and he once again asserted that he wasn't going to participate. I saw that he had signed up and later heard the story...

He had decided he wasn't going to pray and ask God if he should participate. His class was in the library and he was reading a Power Mark comic. He glanced up and when he looked back down, a quote about using the talents God has given you jumped out. He signed up to audition and asked his mother to sing along with him. Wow! It is so neat to see kids being sensitive and obedient to God and his Holy Spirit!

I was blessed to watch and listen and to dream about how God is going to take these kids and bless the world. I imagine that in a few years they will be the ones leading worship in chapel and perhaps even in the churches they attend. Their hearts for God are precious!

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