Saturday, September 13, 2008


This summer I had a number of conversations with people about the purpose of church.

I had been attending a church that was clearly geared toward young people and non Christians. Lyrics to songs were changed to avoid words that wouldn't be commonly used outside Christian circles. Chairs were set up with extra personal space to not leave visitors feeling trapped.

So, this led to a couple conversations with people in Romania and later in the US about what church is all about--serving Christians and building their faith, or reaching out to non-Christians. I hadn't really considered the question much before and found myself caught up in it.

Toward the end of the summer a friend of mine made a comment along the lines of "I think church isn't really about meeting the needs of Christians or non-Christians, but about God". That kind of caught me and convicted me. What was my perspective as I walked through the doors to church--Was I hoping for some new truth or challenge? Was I waiting to see a new face to greet? Was I even thinking about God or am I so wrapped up in everything else that's happening?

This fall as I prepare for church, I'm trying to let it be all about him--my thoughts, my worship, my time. I don't know that I do a very good job of leaving my preoccupations at the door, but it's something new to consider.

1 comment:

Jennifer Poole said...

wow. right on. It's easy to get stuck in all the other stuff. Gotta keep our focus on Jesus!! Good words, Laura.