The entries below share a bit about what is happening in my life as I walk the journey that God has placed before me. I am excited to share these thoughts with you and would welcome your comments. May God grant us each the grace to follow Him more closely each day.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ice Dams
It's an understatment to say that we've had a lot of snow already this year. There are multiple feet of snow piled on the corners and everywhere possible. Mailboxes are just barely visible. As I drove in and out of the garage, it looked like a lot of snow on the roof, but I didn't stop to calculate how much was probably resting there.
Last week, as I sat ensconed in warmth inside my house, preparing for Christmas I heard a soft new noise, kind of like dripping. It's not the first time I've been startled to hear a new noise in my house, so I didn't feel too concerned (first problem). As I finished packing, I figured I better identify where the noise was coming from before leaving for a few days.
As I walked around the front entry, I found that the noise was coming from the front door, where it was leaking in the house---not a good sign. I called my parents, asking for their help over the phone and then went up on the roof to investigate. To even get up on the roof, I had to clear a bunch of snow from the balacony and garage roof. I then created a path up the roof toward the front entry area--no real fear of falling since there was probably 1-2 feet of snow covering the entire roof, preventing sliding. So, to fast forward just a father and I spent around 24 'man-hours' on the roof, clearning the snow, chopping at some icy areas, installing heat tapes, and putting salt on the ice. I was so thankful to have his help!
As I look back, I wish I had better known how to prevent the problem. I wish I had seen the ice building up and recognized it as the ice dam it was, creating problems inside the house.
I had all the information I needed. I was told to watch for ice dams, and I was watching. I just didn't know how to identify an ice dam. I knew I needed to avoid them, but didn't know how to recognize them. My watching was kind of pointless.
I fear sometimes that's how I live my spiritual life. I know I need to watch out for the attacks of the devil. He's cunning and is seeking to destroy followers of Christ. I know that he is the father of lies. And yet, as I try to stand guard and be prepared, I don't always know how to identify his attacks.
Just like others driving by my house probably easily recognized the ice dam forming on the front of my house, others often see attacks in my life for what they are before I understand. That's why we need each other. We help each other do the work of standing guard and of dismantling the ice dams (attacks of the enemy). Alone the task feels daunting and impossible, but in community, our enemy doesn't stand a chance!
I pray that God will continue to open my eyes to be prepared and stand strong against satan. I pray that he will enable me to stand beside my brothers and sisters and lovingly encourage and support them. What will you do?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
White as Snow
It’s been wonderful to be in Minnesota this winter to enjoy the brilliant white snow (and family, new friends, and so many other wonderful blessings!). During the big snowfall (8 inches) last week I was with my sister and her family in Hutchinson, MN. As it began to snow shortly before lunch, I wondered how long it would take until the grass was no longer visible. It took only a few hours. As we went out to play in the snow later that afternoon after snow blowing the driveway, I marveled at the incredible beauty of the snow. My drive back to the Twin Cities was incredibly beautiful. I wondered at how the landscape had been transformed.
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the LORD.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
With such a perfect picture of the pure whiteness of snow, I found myself meditating on the incredible gift of forgiveness. I pictured my sins like the blades of grass. They stuck up, completely visible, before the snow began falling. The snow covered them in such a way that they were no longer visible. How wonderful to imagine! But even greater is that not only are our sins forgiven and cleansed, we don’t ever have to worry about them again. Unlike the grass that will certainly be visible with the coming of spring, we don’t have to worry that God is going to bring up sins he’s already forgiven. They’re cleansed, taken care of, for good. Wow! What amazing grace!
May God continue to draw us nearer to himself. May we be quick to seek his forgiveness and the forgiveness of others. May we live in the security that our sins have been made white as snow…not by our own effort, but through the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf.
As a snowstorm hit Minnesota this past weekend dumping 16-20 inches of snow on the area, it was amazing to continue to reflect on this idea. The 'whiteness' of the snow is overwhelming at times--there's so much of it! It's being trucked out of the city and off the roads.
It is neat to picture Christ 'dumping' his righteousness on us (not trying to take lightly that incredible gift), in such amounts that we can't question whether our sins have been forgiven. They're removed, forever...with pure whiteness, holiness. Whoa!
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
As I sat watching the fire the other night, it occurred to me that the logs are never coming back out of the fire. There isn't anything that can be done to take the ashes from the fire and somehow recreate the logs for the next fire. They've undergone a change and because it was a chemical change, it can never be undone.
Hebrews 11:28-29
Therefore, since we are receving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverance and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire".
What an incredible thought! God is a consuming fire. If I think about it, we are to be changed when we're in the presence of God. It is my dear hope that the time I spend in God's presence deeply affects me, at the core and very being of who I am. I hope and pray that I am so changed that I am unable to return to the woman I once was. I want to be radically different. Perhaps it won't always be visible on the outside, but I want there to be a difference. This change isn't something that I can somehow drum up or create on my own. It comes only by being in the presence of a holy and loving God.
How is God changing you?
God, I pray that you would radically change my heart and mind, that I would allow you complete access to my life. I pray that I would be changed in such a way that I would be unable to return to what once was. Please draw me closer to you.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Unclogging the Pipes
Recently, the blower furnace where I'm living started to fill with water. I figured the sound I heard wasn't normal. I worked with my dad and brother to try and figure out the problem. It turns out the problem wasn't within the furnace, but in the pipes once the condensate left the furnace. Somewhere in the 40 feet of pipes between the furnace and the basement drain there was a clog.
Because the pipes made many twists and turns at the top of the journey to the basement, we were unable to resolve the clog from the top, even with using draino. The next step was creating a better access point from the basement which allowed us to insert a snake in the pipe and ultimately to resolve the issue. Initially the water coming through the pipe was black, full of suspended crud and dragging along more solids. We filled a spaghetti sauce jar with the sediment from the pipes. Icky black stuff that clearly wasn't good for the health of the pipes.
I think the same thing often happens in our lives. There's so much we know floating around in our heads that doesn't get down and impact our hearts. We know the truth, but we struggle with accepting it and allowing that truth to transform our lives. It leads me to conclude that I need some serious plumbing help. I need to cry out to God asking that he clean out the path between my head and heart allowing his truth to pentrate my heart and radically affect my life. Perhaps there are lies deeply embedded that need to be uprooted or sin that needs to be confessed and forgiven. I'm sure my heavenly Father is excited to get started.
Laura's Literary Development
1st Grade:
The Blue Butterfly
Ond day I was sitting in the grass and I saw a butterfly in the sky. It was cute and blue. I tried to catch it but I missed.
The Day With Santa
One day I rode with Santa in his sled. It was so fun. I almost fell out. But Santa grabbed me. It was a close one. I loved that day.
One day Ted went to the fridge to get some grapes. But there were no grapes left. He went to the store to get some grapes. The store was out of grapes. So he had to wait a week. Then he got to eat all the grapes.
2nd Grade:
A Star Story
It looks like it's sort of squished up there. It looks like there's not enough room for 1 million stars. I wouldn't like to be a star because it would be squished. I think it would be fun because yu might see a lot of things. You might get sort of bored though.
The Castle of Gold
Once there was a castle of gold. It was beautiful. You would love to live in it. The king and queen held a lot of parties. You would have a marvelous time. I probably would too. You would love to own it. So would I. But in those days you would have your head cut off. You would be sorry. The End
3rd Grade:
I've Got the Touch
When I went to school I nibbled on my pencil while I was doing my homeowkr. It began to turn to ice cream. I was so surprised I almost ran back home to tell my mother. I did not finish my homework because I did not have a pencil. So I had to borrow one frmo my friend. I went to band and started to practice my lesson but my flute turne to ice cream! I ran out of the room and put my teeth o the handle of the door. Oops! I forgot about my touch. The door started to turn to ice cream. Oh, no! I ran back to class. It was time for lunch. I ate my lunch in the classroom. I went home early because I did not want to find out what would happen next.
(written after reading The Chocolate Touch)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
BCA 7 Years In Review
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Doing Junkie
From the first week I stepped into Hope, I knew I was supposed to attend church there. I got connected with a small group and started looking for other opportunities. As I explored different avenues, it was as if I would get to the point of expressing interest and then feel like God was asking me not to pursue that opportunity any longer. I was looking for ways to build relationships (a good thing, right) and serve (good, right) and felt a check in my spirit.
This kind of confused me. I had all this time to use and I was trying to use it well, trying to find places in which to invest. Why wasn't it working out the way I imagined?
As I drove home from church last week it was like I caught a glimpse of the gift of rest God is giving me in this season. It has felt sometimes difficult to accept and at the same time like a tremendous blessing. I'm the type of person who sees a need and often jumps to remedy the need. Feeling like God has called me to sit back and wait has been a challenge, but in that waiting, I've seen my tendency toward being a 'doing junkie' instead of turning to God. I've filled the time and space in my life to avoid confronting deep heart issues. In being 'forced' to slow down enough to hear my heart, I've given myself permission to listen and to begin to take steps to bring healing to areas that have been long ignored and neglected. Now that I've seen this need, how will God act next to help bring wholeness in my life?
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tire Treads
Anyhow...after giving me the car's death sentence (since there's no repair that can be done--just gradual deterioration) he also mentioned that my tires were worn. I hadn't really paid any attention to my tires, just kind of relied on them functioning well. He pointed to the 'wear line', showing me that the tires were already well worn and in need of replacement. I didn't know such a line existed on tires. I moved ahead with getting a quote on tires (learning what size tires my car needed).
As I've been slowly gathering information on tire prices at different locations, I thought about how this seems to parallel my life in the past few years. There is much that I took for granted, assuming that I'd have the energy needed, that things were working well... Only as I've slowed down to look have I seen how badly things were worn. It's meant an adjustment to rest and refreshment, allowing myself to slow down and try living in different ways.
Rest doesn't just mean sitting around all day doing nothing, but it has meant a change in how I approach decisions and opportunities. I've generally been the type of person that jumps at opportunities, expecting that I'll find the time and energy to fulfill my commitments well. It seems that I've often not taken into account the reality of how I've been made. I've been forced to stop and look at the tire treads on my car, to see that they're worn.
Some of the things that have brought me rest:
-not having to set an alarm clock some mornings--waking up to the sun
-physical labor of building a deck alongside family
-estended times of sitting with God without much of an agenda
-hanging with my nieces
-taking a walk around Lake Harriet with a dear friend and colleague
-visiting friends from college and enjoying long conversations
-sampling apple varieties that I haven't tasted in years
-enjoying the changing leaves
-space in my days to drive my grandpa to Rochester for a radiation treatment, ending the day with a trip to a family farm for a ride in a combine
-small group
-being able to stay up late without feeling guilty
-dreaming big
-playing cards with my grandparents
Before the snow comes, I need to make a decision and get my tires replaced. I hope that in this year in the US, God will replace/renew those parts of my life that are worn down and enable me to walk forward in the full knowledge of his presence with me no matter what comes next.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Finally Feel Like Living
My Brother
Turkey Baster and Too Much Oil
Monday, August 30, 2010
Smashed Potatoes
I wrote an email update about potatoes recently, but I've been thinking more about them in recent days. Often times, the potatoes we get 'served' are much larger than we might and seem unappealing. For me, the more appealing ways to eat potatoes are as french fries, chips, mashed potatoes with lots of toppings,or au gratin. I picture myself staring at this grouping of potatoes on my plate (the trial) and as I sit there, I see it transforming before my very eyes. It's as if Jesus says, 'I won't remove the potato from your plate, but we'll work together on this one.'
As we look back on the trials in our lives, we can often times more clearly see God's hand and leading. It doesn't usually take away the pain or hurt that often accompanies trials. As I reflect on the past seven years in Romania, I've often thought that if I knew all the challenges these years held when I first arrived in Bucharest, I would likely have been on the first plane back to Minnesota. In God's faithfulness, He walked me through one serving of potatoes at a time. I can't say that I can look back and understand the purpose of every single difficult thing, but I can see how I've grown (which is certainly probably part if not all of the purpose). I'm so thankful that God only gives us the size serving of potatoes that he knows we can handle, without threatening that there are more on the way, or pushing us faster than we're ready to go. What a great God we have.
Monday, August 23, 2010
When Did It Happen?

License Plates Randomness
New Mexico
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I put off calling to make a reservation until Saturday morning. I had hoped to be able to take a 1/2 day trip that would travel through class 2 and 3 rapids. That trip was full, but the woman offered the option of joining a trip covering a different section of the river with class 3 and 4 rapids. I reluctantly agreed wondering what I was getting myself into.
As we got to the end, the guide asked whether I enjoyed the trip. After hearing that I did, he mentioned another trip with similar rapids the following day. I didn't figure I would be able to swing that, but started thinking about coming back the afternoon after my final day of classes.
Friday, August 20, 2010
would care to know my name,
would choose to light the way,
would look on me with love
would call out through the rain,
Orchestra Conductor
As I sat in class the past two weeks learning about amazing techniques to help students, I couldn't help but wonder how I would begin to use them (knowing that if I wasn't able to practice this year, I'd find it harder to remember the following year). I kept setting the questions aside, figuring that I'd wait and see what developed once I got settled in MN next month.
As we were packing up today (our last day of class), I found myself in conversation with the director of the Idaho Learning Center talking about Minnesota (where she grew up). She asked whether I had a job using nild (program that I just learned) and I explained that I really didn't have anything lined up yet but was going to just kind of see what happened. She asked a few more questions about where I'd be living and then shared that she had family in the same general area that might be looking for an educational therapist to work with their son.
Wow! Out of the blue it was just a reminder that God sees all the details and sees what's going to happen around the corner--whether it seems like a blessing or problem. What an amazing God we serve! I'm not sure that this situation will work out, but the reminder was such a blessing! It's not because I'm someone special or that God takes special interest in my life---it's who He is!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
My Sister
I've seen my sister balancing the needs of those around her. Deborah uses her energy to bless those in her family. She is a wonderful teacher for her children, gently helping them see how to do things differently or correct their errors. Deborah is open for exploration and learning by doing. Abigail is often on the counter 'helping' with cooking even though that adds a layer of difficulty. The kids tag along to the garden to help weed/plant. Both girls helped weed the play area in their backyard. (Abigail was a bit more intentional about her help. Ellinor was looking for something to put in her mouth.) My sister desires that her children grow and learn. Right now Ellinor is teething and Abigail is toilet-training. This makes for interesting and sometimes long days. Deborah blesses her children by continuing to respond to them patiently and lovingly.
Having the great privilege of living with this family means I see much of what happens. I don't mean to put my sister on a pedestal. There are certainly days that challenge her and push her harder than she would like. But, it's been a great blessing to live beside her and I bless her for her ministry to her family!
-what truly is a good price for butter, grapes, hamburgers, etc.
(I got suckered in by a sign that said great deal and lots of savings only to find after I got home that it really wasn't)
-what stores offer the best prices?
(some of it depends on what's available I suppose, but Super Targets and Walmarts didn't exist in my area of the world before my departure---can't really even remember what stores I frequented)
-is it truly free?
(often in Romania the packing would claim 5% free, but the price for the bottle had been increased)
-when is a good time to buy a winter coat, sweaters, etc
(I've only been around in the summers so haven't had the luxury of waiting until things go on sale or become 'in season')
Some of it is hard because in Romania I know the answers to these questions...
MegaImage is probably the best store for grocery shopping. It offers great prices and good selection. You can usually find whatever you're looking for. Fruit is often best purchased at a piata (open air market). Butter generally costs 2.5 Ron for 250 grams. I don't buy grapes or hamburger in Romania. A good price for milk is about 2.4 Ron. [Although, now that the VAT has jumped from 19% to 24% all of these prices are probably changing.]
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Ah, Motorcycles
-better gas mileage
-use of carpool lanes
-the feeling of being closer to 'nature'--the smells of fresh cut grass, etc
-easier to stay alert
-maneuverability--fun of weaving within a lane or around obstacles
-time to think
-the community created--what other drivers wave to each other without even knowing who's driving in the opposite lane--it reminds me of tram drivers waving or blinking their lights as they pass other trams in Bucharest.
Certainly there are some drawbracks...
-helmet hair
-difficulty traveling in all seasons or during rain and other precipitation
-need to pack light
I'm sure there are other things...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Family...Together Once Again

Monday, July 12, 2010
We each are image bearers of our creator, so it would seem to me that God has within himself all 34 themes and is able to use them each when needed.
Yesterday, I left Hutchinson early in the morning to drive into the Twin Cites (Minneapolis/St. Paul) to visit a church. As I drove, I waffled between continuing on to the new church or choosing to attend Trinity. I decided to proceed with attending the new church. I settled into the pew and tried to psych myself up for meeting new people and all that entails. The service started and we were given a chance to introduce ourselves. As the worship resumed, I saw some familiar faces walk in. What a fun surprise. I found myself relaxing and more able to focus.
Following the service, I was able to finally make eye contact. God has graciously arranged for a group of missionary kids attending a re-entry event to attend the same church service. I had planned to try and connect during the afternoon, but later learned I would have come up empty-handed. There were 7 teens that I knew from Romania and the Czech Republic. Many I hadn't seen in months, if not a year. It was a blessing to connect and have time to catch up with their lives and to share about my own. I'm so encouraged to hear about their hopes and plans for the future and their honesty about the struggles they're facing.
As we walked out of church, I asked if we could take a picture together and then started saying good-byes. I talked briefly with the woman in charge of the program and she invited me to join them for lunch and their activities in the afternoon. That morning, I never could have imagined that I would have the blessing of spending the afternoon with Amy, Matt, Hannah, Rob, David R, Christy, and David M. They are an amazing group of young people with hearts for God and others. I joined the group at the park for lunch and a discussion about what's important in choosing a church (what a timely discussion). We then proceeded to the apartment of one of the leaders to watch the World Cup game. I enjoyed talking with the leaders and some of the teens. Our afternoon closed with a drive back to Northwestern College where they're staying.
God truly has the gift of arranging...far beyond what I could have asked or imagined.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
As I talked with her of the privilege of calling him Daddy and probably how much he enjoys hearing her use that word, my thoughts were drawn to our heavenly father. I wondered if he feels the same way if we choose to come to him with titles and names instead of drawing near and calling him Daddy. It's an amazing privilege to know that He's our Father.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Science Fair





My Story

Bucharest City Team



Goodbyes Stink
The tears started flowing last week...and in reality even before that.
At the beginning of the month, I gathered with my ReachGlobal Romania colleagues in Bran (near Dracula's castle) for a weekend retreat. On the last morning of our time together, we spend a chunk of time sharing prayer requests and praying for each other. It hit me. I wouldn't see some of these people for another year or perhaps longer. And the tears flowed. It hurt to think that these dear people who are so very much part of my life will be so far away next year.
Two weeks later

Last week was our final elementary chapel. We typically honor those students and staff members who will be leaving. Since I taught chapel, I thought I might be able to sneak by unnoticed. A colleague jumped up just as I was closing and called on students to pray for me. As I listened to their prayers of faith, I was struck that all three prayed that I would remember God's love for me. My thoughts drifted back to my previous post about God's stockpiles of love and again was confronted with how easily I forget, and even doubt, God's love for me. I'm so thankful for the hearts and lives of children to remind me.

Today, part of our community gathered to once again celebrate and recognize some of the graduates. It was a special time of enjoying the sunshine and the beginning of summer. And then the goodbyes...I had some lovely conversations with colleagues, friends, and departing families. On my way out the door I saw one of my students and grabbed her for one final hug. We stood on the sidewalk for some time talking, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, tears falling on my arms holding her tight. I tried to share promises with her, reminding her that God knew the pain of goodbyes (and I did too), that he would bring just the right teacher for her for next year, that we will see each other again. It hurt to walk her toward her mother...knowing there wasn't anything I could do to stop the hurt or to make it any easier, but also knowing her mother would hold her when I walked away. It was inevitable...I turned and the tears started flowing as I walked the opposite direction alone. As I wept, I felt God gently remind me that his arms were wrapped tightly around me and that he was catching my tears. They weren't unseen. I'm not unseen.
The goodbyes aren't over yet. I know there will be many more tears shed. This isn't's not goodbye forever...Eternity is coming!
Thursday, June 03, 2010


Bella (played by EuJin, the playwright) is finally friends with Carrington and the other vampires except Edward.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Stockpiles of Love
Why? Because the Master won't ever
walk out and fail to return.
If he works severely, he also works tenderly.
His stockpiles of loyal love are immense.
He takes no pleasure in making life hard,
in throwing roadblocks in the way:
And how I've sometimes responded...choosing not to accept a gift, ignoring it because I feel there are better things that demand my attention at the moment. I've sometimes allowed it to sit gathering dust in the corner until it's become ancient history and forgotten. Or I've opened the gift and marveled over it in amazement, studying the intricacies and wondering at the originality all the while forgetting to turn back to the One who carefully chose that gift for me.
How that must pain God when I fail to recognize his vast gifts of loyal love, when I find other things to occupy my mind and time. Ouch. Father, please forgive me.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Seussical at ICSB


Monday, May 03, 2010
Military Museum Revisted

When it came to planning this year's field trip, I knew that neither my 4th or 5th graders had been to the military museum so I thought it would be a great idea to go again. I asked our secretary to call and make the appointment and to please clarify that we were hoping our tour would be no longer than an hour. I also checked with the history teacher to get an idea of what time periods my students were studying so that the tour guide would be able to focus on that period. The idea was great, but didn't so much work out in reality. 1 hours into the trek through the museum, the guide informed me that the only way out was through the rest of the museum but that she'd try to hurry. 30 min later, feet sore and minds exhausted, we exited the museum and found ourselves in the courtyard filled with tanks and other military vehicles. My students enjoyed running around the fresh air and then sitting to give their feet a break before trekking back to school.

Thursday, April 15, 2010
After 6+ Years
There's a part of me that looks back in awe and amazement. When I first stepped off the plane in Bucharest on August 18, 2003 (or somewhere close to that), I never imagined that I'd still be in Romania right now. In high school and college, if you'd have asked me where I would be or what I'd be doing when I turned 30, this certainly wouldn't have been part of the picture I'd have described. My mind couldn't have conceived it...and yet I wouldn't change it, wouldn't give it up.
I'm so thankful for the journey God's brought me thankful that God is faithful and is continuing to work in my thankful for the hope of a future with thankful for the people who have impacted my life so deeply...thankful.
So often in the Bible we see God commanding His people to remember--who He is and what He's already done for them. It's easy for me to get caught up in the 'light and momentary trials' I face on a day to day basis and forget the many wonderful things God has done on my behalf. I want to remember...the joy of completing my first year of teaching here...the lessons learned from shaving my head...the blessing of simple pleasures...the amazing people who have touched my life...the way God brought me through challenges...remember.
Saying No
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Colmar, France


We happened upon an Easter market near one of the larger churches. It felt like such a neat treat to explore.

Does it Seem Strange to You?
If I can hurt another by speaking faithfully without much preparation of spirit, and without hurting myself far more than I hurt that other, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I hold on to choices of any kind, just because they are my choice; if I give any room to my private likes and dislikes, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I am soft to myself and slide comfortably into the vice of self-pity and self-sympathy; if I do not by the grace of God practice fortitude, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I cannot in honest happiness take the second place (or the twentieth); if I cannot take the first without making a fuss about my unworthiness, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I take offense easily, if I am content to continue in a cool unfriendliness, though friendship be possible, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If a sudden jar can cause me to speak an impatient, unloving word, then I know nothing of Calvary love. (For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted.)
If the care of a soul (for a community) be entrusted to me, and I consent to subject it to weakening influences, because of the voice of the world - my immediate Christian world- fills my ears, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If monotony tries me, and I cannot stand drudgery; if stupid people fret me and little ruffles me on the edge; if I make much of the trifles of life, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If interruptions annoy me, and private cares make me impatient; if I shadow the souls about me because I myself am shadowed, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If souls can suffer alongside, and I hardly know it, because the spirit of discernment is not in me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I become entangled in any 'inordinate affection'; if things or places or people hold me back from obedience to my Lord, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If the praise of man elates me and his blame depresses me; if I cannot rest under misunderstanding without defending myself; if I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I do not forget about such a trifle as personal success, so that it never crosses my mind, or if it does, is never given a moment's room there; if the cup of spiritual flattery tastes sweet to me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I slip into the place that can be filled by Christ alone, making myself the first necessity to a soul instead of leading it to fasten upon Him, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If my interest in the work of others is cool; if I think in terms of my own special work; if the burdens of others are not my burdens too, and their joys mine, than I know nothing of Calvary love.
If I wonder why something trying is allowed, and press for prayer that it may be removed; if I cannot be trusted with any disappointment, and cannot go on in peace under any mystery, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy Camichael
During this season of reflecting on Christ's great sacrifice, I'm struck by God's grace and patient love. I'm thankful that He is continuing to work in my life though it falls far short of being consumed by Him and understanding Calvary's love. I pray that I may more and more understand the sacrifice made for me.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Beautiful Bloggers
I have been nominated a "Beautiful Blogger" by my dear friend Mandy. I get to tell you seven interesting facts about me and then nominate seven more beautiful bloggers. I'll do my best on the seven interesting facts, but find the many of my blogging friends have fallen off the bandwagon.
1. I recently rediscovered my love for teaching--and discovered how it's been a theme throughout my entire life....Sunday school, nursery, Bible Instruction Class (BIC), swim lessons, and now in a classroom.
2. I've recently been inspired to learn how to drive a manual car. I know the basics from driving motorcycles, but think it'd be a great skill to have while living in Europe. On a side note...sitting in the front seat of a car feels really strange!
3. I love that Spring has arrived in Bucharest and that it's almost appropriate to wear sandals again. My feet love feeling free.
4. There is great satisfaction in mowing a lawn, shoveling snow, or spring cleaning. I miss the joy of the first two but I'm sure that after a year of living in the US I'll have had lots of opportunities.
5. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers right now--their frailty and yet beauty, their ability to survive in the strangest places.
6. In one day this past week, I was in four different countries (Germany, France, Switzerland, Romania)using three different currencies (Euro, Franc, Ron) and three different modes of transportation (walking, driving, flying).
7. I still hope one day to make it to every continent (I'm missing Australia and Antarctica).